You can now favorite schools you previously worked with on the Swing Platform. When you favorite a school, you will be notified earlier of any new sub-requests that the school posts.
Note: At this time, this feature is NOT available on the app.
Overview of How to Favorite Schools
- Click on account settings
- Select "Favorite Schools"
- And search for the school you wish to favorite
How To Search and Favorite Schools (Step-by-Step)
Go to Swing Account
Click on your profile and click account settings on your profile.
Then select the "Favorite Schools" button in the Account Settings on the left side of the screen:
Search for Schools
You can search for the school and favorite it by clicking on the heart button next to the school. The heart should go from white to pink to indicate you favorited the school.
When searching, three of the most recent schools that you worked for will show up in the suggestions drop-down when you search.
You will also see how many times you worked at this particular school highlighted above each school name. This can help you remember the schools you most recently and frequently worked for in case you can't remember the school's name.
How Your Favorited Schools Show on The Swing Dashboard:
Your favorited schools should be highlighted in your Favorite Schools tab as shown here:
3 of your favorited schools will show on your dashboard at all times. You can expand to see all the other schools you have favorited by clicking on the blue link labeled "Manage All Favorites."
How Do I Unfavorite a School?
To unfavorite a school from your favorites, just click on the heart button. It will turn from pink to white to indicate that the school is no longer favorited.